Friday, March 7, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Ben Stiller is a god, I love the guys films and this one looks like a cracker.

Jack Black , Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr in the film Tropic Thunder, an epic action comedy co-written and directed by Stiller. Robert Downey Jr. plays Kirk Lazarus, a very serious Oscar-winning actor cast in the most expensive Vietnam War film ever.
Problem is, Lazarus's character, Sgt. Osiris, was originally written as black. So Lazarus decides to dye his skin and play Osiris. I'm pretty sure this was done in Soul man but with Ben Stiller at the helm it has to be good. He directed 2001's Zoolander. and with Tropic Thunder he takes aim at actors for his jokes.

Downey plays one of a team of self-indulgent stars cast in the modern equivalent of Apocalypse Now. Stiller plays an action hero who has just adopted a baby from Asia but worries that ''all the good ones are gone.'' Black portrays a comedian known for performing multiple roles in a single film — his latest is called The Fatties: Fart 2.
But when the film's director (Steve Coogan) and writer (Nick Nolte) get fed up with their prima donna cast, they drop them into the jungle to fend for themselves.

The actors think they're doing some sort of full-immersion filmmaking, but the danger they're in is very real.
This was the film that Owen Wilson was dropped from because of his problems.


Old Knudsen said...

Sharpton always has something to say and its always the same thing. I didn't hear any complaints When Eddie Murphy became an old Jewish guy and he plays into the black stereotype for cheap laughs. Lets put the race card away for this one and enjoy the humour. Soulman was funny and even had a moral. I see an interesting Ben Stiller film others want to make it something else.

The make up is great looking.

Romeo Morningwood said...

I laughed my ass off during this movie. Downey is brilliant, Black is hilarious and Stiller does his best Stiller..ever.

I thought that this was a bit too highminded for the usual Stiller crwod and that they might miss half the jokes..who cares it was awesome.