Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pirates Of The Caribbean At Knob's End

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End the other night. Now don't get me wrong I'd never pay to watch it especially after seeing the last two. It was lying about and I was bored so I settled doon to view it.

So much didn't happen in it that I can hardly remember it. I do remember thinking what a pussy Orlando Bloom is and what a ghey name he has and how Keira Knightley and her chavette voice annoyed the fuck out of me.
Johnny Depp has gotten boring now, the novelty has worn off, Keith Richards had a small part as his father which I've heard people rave about even though it was a badly cut and a badly acted performance, stick to getting out of yer skull and playing the banjo because Johnny Depp does a better you than you.

After a while of double crosses and cannons working in the rain I just decided this piece of shite was geared towards idiot teens in every way. I hope there isn't another one. Fuck Disney has a lot to answer for.

Will Turner was cursed to spend 10 years at sea and one day on land, he spent the day at the end shagging Elizabeth, I don't know why she didn't go with him aboard the Flying Dutchman, not in the script I suppose but you just know that he impregnated the slapper to have a 10 year-old in the next film ::::::yawn:::::

Just as predictable as if James Bond falls in love, you know the woman will die in the end and he says the title of the film somewhere along the line It'll be tough fitting in Quantum of a Solace or whatever the fuck the next one is called. I'm just going to watch my favourite game show, Quantum of a solace.
I saw the trailer for "I am legend" and knew right away that Will Smith's dog would die in the film, for fucks sake Hollywood the odd surprise might be nice now and again.

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