Monday, October 1, 2007

A Role He Was Born For

From the people who saw Braveheart and Gladiator cums "Fuck its the Vikings."

When I heard that leonardo DiCaprio was expected to play Brian Boru in an up and coming film I was shocked. Is leo a good enough actor that he could play an Irish wolfhound ? the mascot of the Irish guards and the defunct Irish Rangers ?

Then I read on and found it was Brian Boru who was some high king of Ireland, what did they name a king after a dog? those zany Irish, always drunk you know. Boru defended Ireland from the Vikings and the movie is slated as the Irish Braveheart, calling it that just means its going to be shite, but the paddys will lap it up and Gerry Adams will cum in his trunks.
Leonardo here can act, but hes a lightweight. He isn't the big pulling power of Clooney or even Damon, Leo is just above Affleck status but gets hyped and he believes it, 32 years old and still has the aura of a boy about him.

lets hope Leo works on his terrible Irish accent by then, why could they not have gotten a famous Irish actor like............................... or .............................

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